Inward Bound
By Lorraine Antine
Published in Natural Awakenings Magazine
“Within every problem there is a solution.”- Albert Einstein
Great master teachers of ancient wisdoms and poetic truths have historically sighted inner landscapes as prime locations for launching journeys to discover the realities of ourselves, our purpose, our connection with the universe.
You see, it is after all, about us. Not the self-focused, self-involved little us, devoid of interaction and regard for others. Rather, the Us that seeks to find our true function among humanity. The Us that will allow Spirit’s urge to move toward our divine, ideal expression of life at Its fullest, most joyful condition.
Let’s equate this joyful condition to the typically beloved food-chocolate. Consider the relationship between this dark, satisfying substance we crave, and the similar seeking for dark, satisfying connection to the soul. How can we savor the sweetness of the shadow (chocolate), inherent in soul journeys, while acknowledging, yet not indulging in, the fear, guilt, and shame possibly encountered while diving deeply into this bittersweet chocolate of our soul?
As we begin this journey inward, longing for the depth of experience, we can safely engage with these bittersweet moments, as the practitioner gently guides this chocolate experience. We are assisted in accessing our inner intelligence which transforms old traumas into wholeness. Like water for chocolate, life itself supports this bittersweet journey.
This Healing Process is particularly useful for transforming addictive/habitual behaviors and patterns on ALL levels. Holistic means relating to or concerned with the wholes or with complete systems rather than the treatment of parts.The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of a being is treated so as to stimulate the self-healing potential.
This process assists in discovering and healing the underlying root causes of habitual destructive behaviors that can rule our lives. It is based upon the ancient wisdom that there is beyond the “addictive identity” that offers the possibility of moving out of shameful identities into the place of wholeness and strength of our true natures. The problems underlying dependency habits have both physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual components. The “why” may not always be apparent since it is hidden by the addictive/habitual behavior, substance or other symptoms that may mask the pain. It takes a specialized approach to uncover and transform specific reasons for dependency.
The practitioner supports the process by assisting the patient in discovering what was once hidden. Trapped energies can be transmuted and integrated back into the river of life – our flow strengthens. As we are guided to source; insights, healing and joy await our arrival and may delight our senses.
Holistic Psychotherapy, as practiced here, is based upon the principle that life is a metaphor. The whole body, or being, which includes the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies, is seen as a bridge to the soul, and a vehicle for personal transformation. This work focuses on developing spiritual maturity and psychological insight, allowing needed space in which to make life choices, allowing needed space in which to live freely.